Currency battle begins

I recorded the video segment below on on RT America on Wednesday night (Notice my green tie for St. Patrick's Day!). The overall gist of the clip was that the currency battle now brewing between China and the U.S. is mostly a political…

A New World Order

UPDATE: 19 MAR 2010: Given the debate on China and its currency peg, I thought this post from November 2008 would be relevant. It called for a new world order centered around a new monetary system. This idea has gained some currency as it…

A quick video primer on Repo 105

Here is a good video from Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explaining the mechanics of the now infamous Lehman Brothers 105 transactions. One or two tidbits, first. Even though Hirsch mentions Lehman undertook these transactions to…

Jim Rogers: expect a double dip by 2012

China and commodities bull Jim Rogers thinks the economy is going to eventually run out of gas by 2012. While he doesn’t call this a double dip, he does say that “the next time it’s going to be worse because we’ve shot all of our bullets.”…

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